
Life Flow

We’ve all had a typical work flow at one time or another in our jobs and careers, right?

Well, why don’t we have a life flow? I mean, we do flow…r i g h t along with whatever current decides to carry us–we go with the flow. Or in some cases we do not flow, we block the flow.

But, it seems, we never develop a LIFE FLOW–

As in best practices and procedures. I know, I know, it can sound a little “by the book” and possibly like you’re digging a nice rut for yourself, but hang in here with me.

time lapse photography of flowing waterfall
Photo by Avery Nielsen-Webb on Pexels.com

I used to do a yearly Word of the Year ritual (pretty sure I’ve posted about this before…I have a tendency to repeat, but only because it’s important! :)) and I would do it with one sister and our mom. It was fun to see what the other person ended up choosing and how they were going to “live” it. It was a fun yearly ritual.

Well, January 2019 I chose: Mastery…phew, what a word! Then I realized, that was not how I wanted my year to be, I re-did the discovery tool and my word ended up being: Fun. Much better. Then in February my mom was put in a home hospice program. Mom was 96, but, honestly I think we all thought she would surely live to be 100. (also, this came after a year of my one sister’s cancer/chemo fight.) Mom died July 4th 2019. Now, if you knew my mom, you knew she lived a full beautiful amazing creative heartbreaking loving joyous life. She was a national public speaker and an author 

So…when January 2020 rolled around I didn’t really feel like doing the Word of the Year and so I didn’t. And then things changed. Pandemic, murder of George Floyd, marches, protests, riots–EVERYTH…

That was where this post ended, I’m just now, this very minute coming back to it, late 2023.

I haven’t changed my mind though, I think if you have a relatively stable life you can develop a flow–even if it’s a partial flow, a tiny flow, a miniscule flow.

My husband and I have one joint flow and that’s our Sundays, no, not church, but it is our church. We clean on Sundays it starts with whoever is up last strips the bed and gets the sheets in the washer and then the dance begins. We play music throughout the house, music is integral, we are resetting our home and ourselves for the coming week. Mimosas are sometimes involved, we have conversation and occasional dancing.

Sundays are very special to us. Sundays stabilize us. And, if for some unforeseen reason we have to miss a Sunday, we simply clean the next one. Because it is such a beautiful part of our life flow, missing one does not end the ritual.

So, even if you haven’t cultivated a full blown life flow, cultivate one. I’m still trying to cultivate more but nothing has stuck yet. How about you? What is a life flow for you? Share in the comments, I’d love to hear about it.

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I’m Amy

Welcome to The Creative Crone, my cauldron of wonders. I believe we all are creative and we all have a little witchy side to us *Witchcrafters* I invite you to join me on this adventure of finding a life more creative, more delightful, and more magical. Let’s get witchcraftery!

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